20 Jun 2011

A human face at Facebook?

Interesting interview with Paul Adams, Global Brand Experience Director at Facebook last month on O'Reilly Radar.

Here's what I think are the key points but it's well worth a read for yourself.

We need to concentrate more on understanding human social behaviour before thinking about which social media platform, or emerging technology might be attractive.

Not only that, but we need to understand why people would change their behaviour from what is already working for them if we want to drive adoption.

There are some big issues being raised around privacy due to the integration of social media feeds into search engines thus making private conversations more public than the participants expected.

Brands need to think about the quality of their interactions in the social sphere rather than merely the volume. The "fans and followers arms race" ignores the fact that people are most influenced by those closest to them. In that contaxt, what value does a brand "like" or "follow" really have?

The mobile phone will become our primary generator of social information and our key interface with the social web.

Interesting points worth considering while you're thinking about your next social media strategy.

Via Nigel Hollis at Millward Brown.