26 Feb 2010


Excited as we are by the prospect of Tim Burton's 3D interepretation of Alice in Wonderland (and jealous of friends who were at the Royal Premiere last night), we can't help being more impressed by the impressive efforts of the marketing team behind it to create buzz around the film (admittedly with a London focus). Not that we can be sure they were behind all of the following but, if they were, it's very, very impressive:

A pop up shop in the aptly titled wonder room at Selfridges in London.

Another pop up partnership with Claire's Acessories.

A Mad Hatter's Tea Party at the Sanderson (although it's a bit steep for a cup of tea and a bun at £20) as well as the official after-party.

IMAX 3D (please God let the script be better than Avatar's)

A retrospective at the Southbank

A ball at Beach Blanket Babylon

As well as a load of creatively interesting traditional advertising. Not to mention what now appears to have been a PR stunt fall-out with Odean cinemas.


Gordon said...

New Theatrical Trailer looks fantastic - http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1815813330?bctid=61764372001