18 Nov 2011

What Works Now? Marketing Effectiveness in the Data Age

In today’s digitally enhanced world data is being generated at a tremendous rate while marketers are under increasing pressure to demonstrate effective returns on marketing investment. But the volume and complexity of the information available to us can often seem overwhelming. We need cleverer ways to capture, analyse and visualise data to unlock the insights held within.

MediaCom Edinburgh held a conference at the National Gallery in Edinburgh on 3rd November to explore the topic with leading speakers in the field.

Clare Newman, MediaCom’s Head of Business Science for EMEA opened the conference with an overview of the challenges the marketing industry is facing in terms of analytics and shared her view on the future of analytics.

MediaCom - Introduction
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Justin Armsworth heads up the Marketing Services division at Experian in Scotland. Getting insight from data is nothing new for Experian. Is digital data anything special or just another piece in the puzzle? Justin explored the importance of bringing together different sources of data and how this can increase our understanding of the consumer to be more effective marketers.

Andrew McIntosh is Head of Brand Strategy at Sky. In a business where understanding the audience is key to success, Andrew talked about how clever use of data and insight allows them to play an effective role in marketing campaigns and also how they determine this effectiveness.

Mark Riseley is Group Product Marketing Manager in the Google EMEA Market Insights team. He is an expert in the different methods that can be used for analysing the effectiveness of search advertising. He spoke about these, along with how tools such as Google Insights for Search can help us understand consumer behaviour.

John Thekanady is Head of Client Services at Compete, Kantar’s Digital Intelligence agency. John discussed the challenges of evaluating the numerous online and offline touch points that play a role in the consumer’s path to purchase. His presentation incorporated a case study of a well-known sportswear brand.

Consultant Peter Field was a strategic planner in advertising for 15 years and has spent almost the same again working as a consultant for clients and their agencies. He was a member of the IPA’s Value of Advertising committee for 5 years, setting up their Effectiveness Databank and has also been a judge for the prestigious IPA Effectiveness Awards. His presentation delivered the outputs of analysis of over 1000 effectiveness case studies to show what drives effectiveness now.

Peter Field - IPA DATAbank
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